Dental Care

Rustic Line

Not All Dental Cleanings Are The Same

Dental hygiene stands as a paramount preventive healthcare measure for our pets. The ramifications of poor oral health encompass cardiac disease, kidney issues, chronic pain often left undiagnosed, and behavior problems stemming from pain. It’s crucial to choose a veterinary facility that offers top-notch dental care for your pet.


Our Approach to Dental Care

It is a common misconception that the dental care and treatment offered at one veterinary facility is the same as that offered by another. Our facility provides a complete oral health assessment to every pet.

Dr. Potenza also has the advanced training to perform complex dental procedures in the moment, rather than ignoring conditions or recovering the patient from anesthesia and later referring to a specialist. At the other extreme lies those facilities who offer “anesthesia free” dental cleanings. These procedures, while less expensive, are exceedingly stressful for the pet when instruments are placed in the mouth and physical restraint is used. It is also impossible to fully evaluate all the teeth and oral tissues above and below the gum line, where a large percentage of oral health issues occur.

At New Canaan Veterinary Hospital, We Offer:

  • Full anesthesia with intravenous catheterization and fluid therapy
  • Complete cleaning of teeth, gingiva and the gum line, where most oral pathology occurs
  • Painless surgical therapies through the use of individually tailored pre-anesthetic pain medications, intraoperative local nerve blocks, – and post-anesthetic oral medications
  • State of the art anesthetic monitoring, including electrocardiography, pulse oximetry, blood pressure monitoring, and capnography
  • Full digital oral radiographs, which enable us to diagnose and treat a myriad of oral health problems that cannot be seen with the naked eye
  • The capability to perform periodontal treatments, surgical extractions, various oral surgeries, restorative dentistry, and endodontics (root canals) all during the same anesthetic procedure
Group 2514 2
Beige Blob

Top Oral Care
for Your Pet

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